Monday, July 18, 2011

Set a Guard on Your Mouth

Psalm 141:3
cf James 3

I say stupid things sometimes. It's like the clutch between my brain and my mouth doesn't always engage.

You've probably had those experiences like I have where you say something and instantly wish that you hadn't. If only life had a rewind button and you could take back that insensitive comment, that harsh criticism, or that sarcastic dig. Unfortunately, there is no way to take it back. And while "sticks and stones may break our bones," words can hurt infinitely more.

James talks about the tongue as a world of evil (James 3:6), full of deadly poison (James 3:8). Perhaps that's why David asks God to "set a guard" over his mouth, to "keep watch over the door of my lips."

I talked with my classes about honesty a few semesters ago. I asked them if there were times when they lied without really thinking about it. Many answered yes. I suspect that we are the same way, not just about honesty, but also in terms of insensitivity, harshness, and sarcasm. Those things slip out before we have a chance to think.

Back to David's prayer. He knew that only God could really master his tongue. It starts with lots and lots of prayer. Prayer that God will help your speech be holy. And then it takes a lot of work. You have decades of speech habits to break. But then you can spend your time building others up rather than tearing them down.

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