Friday, December 10, 2010

The Golden Rule

Matthew 7:12; Luke 6:31

Here it is, the end all, be all rule for many of us. "Do to others as you would have them do to you." Perhaps the second most memorized verse behind John 3:16. It's not Jesus' greatest commandment, which He lists later, but it's certainly in step with the second of those commandments.

As you read through this blog, there's a lot to keep up with. Perhaps this is one way to sum it all up. When you are working, treat others the way that you would want them to treat you. Regardless of status or position, how would you want that other person to treat you? Then do that.

There are almost countless variations on this timeless principle. There are the worldly alternatives such as "he who has the gold rules." There are versions from other religions such as "don't treat anyone worse than you would want to be treated." But Jesus' teaching is one of considering the other person, even if he/she doesn't consider you and even if he/she doesn't deserve to be considered. It's not focused on a minimum threshold as a standard. It says treat people as good as you would like to experience yourself.

Ask yourself: "would my actions at work change if I fully put this principle into practice?" What would that look like? Would it change the way you talk to your supervisor? Your coworkers? Your clients/customers? Would you treat your subordinates differently? Would you act differently toward the custodians you pass on your way in the building? What about how you interact with a secretary or administrative support person? Use this weekend to plan what you can do differently on Monday. How will the Golden Rule affect your workplace through you?

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