Monday, August 22, 2011

Making Decisions

You know, sometimes I think it would be more efficient if God planned out our lives and put big neon signs in the sky to show us what directions to take. The pillar of cloud and fire that directed the Israelites might get lost in the sky now, but neon would get us there. And that way, we could be sure of being on the right track.

When you have a decision to make, seek God. And if His will in that decision isn’t immediately clear, make sure you’re taking care of the things that you can be certain of being His will: love Him, love others. If at that point, you still don’t have direction, it could be that the specifics of the decision matter less than honoring and obeying Him through either option.


  1. ha! Love the first sentence here... too funny (and honestly very very accurate!)

  2. :) When I finished my dissertation and was looking for jobs, it was tough looking for direction. That's when the imagine of God placing a neon sign in the sky really came to us.
