There are lots of excuses for not living out your faith at work. How closely to your excuses match some historical reasons given by Bible characters?
Adam has the distinction of giving the first excuse in history--"the woman you gave me made me do it." Followed immediately by "the devil made me do it." (Gen. 3)
Saul told Samuel that he wasn't obeying God but that it was for a good cause (to worship the very God he was disobeying, 1 Sam. 15).
As a man was inviting guests to a great banquet, they were all too busy with other things (Luke 14).
The man with one talent was too afraid to do what his master wanted (Matt. 25).
And of course, the king of excuses would have to be Moses. While watching God's presence in the form of a bush bonfire, Moses had one excuse after another ("they won't believe me, I don't speak well, I just don't want to, etc., Exodus 3).
What's your excuse for not living out your faith at work?
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