Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Catching Up With Where We've Been

I started this blog over the summer and haven't really promoted it because I wanted a chance to start developing content and ideas before I shared those ideas. However, I'm starting to mention it to more and more people, so I wanted to revisit some of the reasons for writing. I think all too often, we think of our "Christian" identity and our "work" identity as separate. This blog is an attempt to bring together all that the Bible says regarding work in one place. To that end, I am reading through the Bible and blogging about passages that seem particularly applicable to workplaces (although I'm not necessarily going through the Bible in order). These passages seem to be generally one of three types: a) Scriptures that explicitly mention work and business transactions such as Leviticus 19:35-36, b) Scriptures that discuss relationships between masters and slaves such as 1 Timothy 6:1-2, and c) Scriptures that deal generally with Christian living but seem very relavant to workplaces. I admit that some may question the connection between master-slave and work supervisor-employee, but I find most of the admonitions to masters and slaves to be very consistent with what I would expect Paul to say to employers and workers. I also admit that some my question or add to the passages that I reference under "general living," and I certainly welcome those conversations as they relate to workplaces. More than anything, I hope this blog will start dialogues, between you and me, between you and others, and between all of us and God regarding how we can be more Christ-like at work.

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