Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Do Not Steal

Deuteronomy 5:19; Ephesians 4:28

We can hear stories of embezzlement and fraud on the news and think to ourselves, “how could they ever do that?” It’s easy to look at the publicized ethical lapses and realize that stealing millions of dollars from a company (or from individuals) is wrong. Most of us will never be in a situation where that’s even a temptation. But what about the little things? Some extra copies here, a few paper clips there. Never missed. A pack of pens as the kids go back to school, some “extra” expenses that no one will ever question. Not a problem, right? Even though many companies are trying to tighten their belts in a tough economy, most of these things are caught and happen frequently in organizations. But that doesn’t mean that these “white” sins are ok with God. God doesn’t differentiate between the Wall Street tycoons who are driven by greed and steal millions and you and me when we take those extra office supplies home. Stealing is stealing, and either way, it’s wrong. Write a note to yourself (where only you can see it) to remind you not to steal, even in the little things. Sure, no one’s counting the copies that you make and they might not even miss the paper. But as a Christian, you are called to a standard higher than “can I get away with it.”

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