Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Don't Stir Up Trouble

1 Timothy 1:4-5

This is not about workplaces specifically. In fact, Paul is talking to Timothy about those who cause problems in churches based on obscure details that create controversies. However, I think the lesson could easily be extrapolated to workplaces. Be careful about taking small points of disagreement and turning them into large quarrels. Remember Paul's instruction to live a quiet life? Part of that seems to be being generally agreeable. I don't think that means that you refuse to take a stand on important issues. But I think there is a different between standing for what is right and arguing about smaller details. Know the difference between the big things and the small stuff.

By the way, one sure way to start quarrels in workplaces or any other context is through gossip. 1 Timothy 4:7 tells us not to gossip. That applies at work just as much as other parts of our lives.

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