Matthew 5:11-16
After describing a series of countercultural behaviors and calling those who practice such behaviors "blessed," Jesus saves the strangest for last. Blessed are you when others insult you. What? Blessed are you when others falsely say bad things about you. Are you kidding? Seriously, are you saying that it's a good thing when others treat me poorly? Yes, that's exactly what Jesus is saying if people are treating you poorly because you are living for Him. You see, when you live your life as a reflection of Jesus, whether at work or in any other context, people will notice. And it's not always going to be the kind of attention you're going to want. Living like Jesus is going to make you different, and most people don't like people that are different. People may make you an outcast. People may leave you out. In a sense, it's the child's game of kickball, and you may get picked last. If that happens because you've treated others poorly or for reasons other than Jesus, this passage doesn't apply to you. But as long as you are persecuted because of Jesus, you can take heart--people did the same thing to prophets (and to Jesus' disciples after this passage was written). Jesus tells us that Christians will have troubles in this world (John 16:33). But He also tells us that we can make it through those insults, persecutions, and slander because He has overcome the world.
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