Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Blessed are the Peacemakers

Matthew 5:9

I’ve blogged about people who fan the fires of conflict in their workplaces by
interfering or by gossiping. But what about those people who are able to diffuse tense feelings and defensiveness in others and bring peace? You’ve probably seen that type of person. He or she is much rarer than the gossip or the defensive person. The peacemaker is one who shows people the big picture. This person refuses to worry about earthly struggles, but knows that being with Jesus is everything. That doesn’t mean the peacemaker is an absent-minded worker. On the contrary, he or she knows that work is for God’s glory. They are optimistically content because they know that God is in control. And other people see those qualities. We admire people who can resolve conflict. It’s not that people never disagree—it’s that those conflicts don’t boil over into wars between people in the office.

What kind of influence are you? Are you a peacemaker or are you one who fans the fire? I would like to say that I’m a peacemaker, and sometimes that’s true. Other times, I am guilty of gossiping about a feud or of egging someone on in getting revenge. But I’m working on it. I’m working on being a peacemaker because I want a child of God.

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