Monday, February 21, 2011

God in the Workplace

If you've ever wondered if you are alone in living out your faith in the workplace, this Wall Street Journal article might encourage you. The author describes a growing trend as people make their faith real at work. The cynic in me wonders about people who gain positive attention in doing so, just because the leading institutions in Jesus' day rarely gave Him such positive press. Nevertheless, I think the growing support is part of a generational movement to avoid being one person in one context and another in a different context. I think our society is longing for more authenticity than that. I recognize that we all have different roles and may need to act and think differently in one role than we do in another. The question is, does your faith transcend your role?

The WSJ author, Rob Moll, cites Dale Evans, cofounder of the video game company Electronic Arts as noting that work was never meant to be punishment. Evans says that, from Genesis, we were created to do work. I've posted about that before. The Fall increased our toil and work's unpleasantness, but work has always been part of God's plan.

How are you living out your faith at work? What difference does it make in your work? If a Wall Street Journal article asked you about God in the workplace, how would you respond and could the reporter see evidence in the way you carry out your day to day tasks?

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