Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Good Samaritan

Luke 10:25-37

When someone asked Jesus who was his neighbor, Jesus told the story of a Samaritan helping a Jew. One thing that was probably especially poignant to the Jew listening to the story was that Jews and Samaritans hated each other. So remember that loving your neighbor doesn't just mean being nice to those people that you get along with. How are you doing showing love to those people that you just can't stand to be around?

I can think of someone that I really don't look forward to seeing. Inwardly, I groan every time I see this person coming toward me. You know, stops by to chat, even when you're busy, even when they have nothing really to say. Always has an opinion about everything and wants you to know it. Shares too much information, sometimes just to demonstrate that they know something. I have to admit that it's hard for me to show love to this person. But that's what loving your neighbor is all about--loving those people when love doesn't come easily.

I don't really have anyone that I work with that I just can't stand. I'm not at odds with anyone. Perhaps you are in your workplace. Perhaps there's a boss or coworker who is out to get you. Maybe that person is irritable or just hard to love. Jesus' message is that those are the people that you should be trying to seek out. The Good Samaritan knew not to expect anything in return for the love he showed. He knew this Jew might not have done the same for him. And note that the story doesn't say that he received anything back from the man that he helped. Don't show love so that this person will be nicer to you or so that he/she may help you in the future. Show love to this person because God loved you, even when you were unlovable.

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