Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Honoring God Through Work

The smallest, most mundane moments at work are opportunities to honor God. Another blogger tells the story of her experience at Big Lots!, where she was amazed at the courtesy and service of an employee there. Here is an employee that might be the manager or might be a minimum wage worker. Yet he had a great attitude about work and fully devoted himself to his responsibility to help a customer. And regardless of his faith, this woman saw his service as a glory to God.

In almost every job, there are mundane or even boring tasks, those things that we just have to do. I love what I do, but as a professor, there are always little things that seem to get in the way of the really important parts of my job. But with everything, whether big or small, enjoyable or annoying, with each thing that I do in my work, I have the opportunity to honor God. So do you. Today and the rest of this week, try to see each task that you complete as your chance to honor your Savior. You don't have to be carrying a Bible to testify about Jesus--sometimes, all you have to do is be polite and helpful!

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