Friday, May 20, 2011

No One Can Serve Two Masters

Matthew 6:24; Luke 16: 13

I've posted before about the difficulties faced by early Christians as they tried to buy and sell things. Greek and Roman marketplaces often required customers and merchants to pay homage to the local god before they could shop or sell their goods. For the Christian, then, it was either compromise your faith or be completely left out of commerce. But we have it easier, right? We don't have to sacrifice to Zeus in order to keep our jobs, so there's no problem with serving two masters.

But how many times have you compromised your faith in little ways where you work? Maybe you've taken off early but said you worked a full day. Have you participated in office gossip, so as not to be the only one left out? What about taken credit for work that someone else did? And "they won't miss these office supplies, will they?" Or, "sure, that's a legitimate business expense."

There are lots of little things that creep up that can challenge our faith at work. These things don't seem like that big of a deal, but each time we do something that dishonors God, no matter how small it seems to us, we are serving another master.

I really appreciated this post from Godspotting with Sheila. She describes seeing a salesperson probably losing sales because he was more committed to searching the Scriptures with someone than he was to making the sale. What "little" choices do you face where you are tempted to serve another master? Make the right choices today.

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