Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What's Rightfully Yours

Genesis 13:5-12

Genesis 13 shows us a remarkable business transaction. It's probably more common to look at the outcome of the story (Lot goes to live near Sodom and Gomorrah, which are eventually destroyed) rather than looking at the negotiation that led to that outcome. Abraham, because he was from the older generation, had the right of first choice. Think about that. He had the right to choose the best land for himself. Lot would have been stuck with the leftovers. But look at what Abraham said to Lot in verse 9: "If you go to the left, I’ll go to the right; if you go to the right, I’ll go to the left." Basically, you get to choose. You can have what's best. I'm sure people of the land would say "what was he thinking?!"

Abraham wasn't interested in pressing for his right. Let's be clear--there would have been nothing wrong with taking the best for himself. But by giving up his right to choose, Abraham was allowing God to take control. Verses 14-17 relate how God blessed Abraham because of his faith. Abraham didn't know about God's blessing ahead of time, and that blessing may not have taken the form he would have liked (for example, Abraham was still childless at this time). Those blessings also do not always come immediately. Abraham had to buy someone else's field to bury Sarah ten chapters later--he still didn't "have" the land. But he knew to trust God rather than holding on to his rights.

Sometimes, we're so concerned about protecting our rights that we forget that God can bless us, even when we allow others to trample on those rights. Jesus' instructions about turning the other cheek (Matt. 5:39, Luke 6:29) are a New Testament example of that same teaching. In Abraham's case, by letting go of his right and trust God, he settled a conflict (verses 7-8) and was blessed by God (verses 14-17). As you interact with others, don't worry that you don't get all of the things that you are due. Don't worry about your rights. I know that's easier to say than to do. Just trust God. His blessings may not be immediate and they may not take the form that you want or expect. But He calls you to love and trust Him more than you love and trust your rights.

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